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Reforming my Ways

Reforming my Ways

It’s too late to be up. Wisdom is telling me to go to bed. But who could sleep with this much on the mind? If there were an Olympics for packing, I feel like I could be a contender. The aim was to be as prepared as possible, so my organizing mojo was in full...
Running out of Time

Running out of Time

It’s a common theme for me these days. I feel like I’m always running out of time. I’m writing this on my phone while laying down in bed. Medical records lay in piles and boxes in the office, waiting to be attended to, but I’m stuck. As much as I try, my body and mind...
Help and Hope

Help and Hope

I’ll admit it. Last week did me in. Two weekends in a row, Todd ended up at urgent care for respiratory crud. Evan got round #3 of antibiotics for his persistent ear infections (shots!). And I earned my own flu and strep tests. (I forbid Ella from getting sick...
The Appointment

The Appointment

It’s taken me almost two weeks to write this update. In part because I needed some time to process what happened, and also because I’m still trying to figure out how to meet the day-to-day needs of my family with the elephant in the room. The elephant is...
The Game Changers

The Game Changers

I’m living with three little dictators, and I’m not talking of the human sort. You might think the tumor in my brain that telling my body to do all the wrong things would be the clear winner. Or maybe it would be the angry pelvis injury that did not...